The Next Generation API Developer Platform

Turn your services, databases and 3rd party APIs into a secure unified API in just a few minutes.

Combine all your data sources into a unified GraphQL Schema

Expose GraphQL operations through JSON-RPC

Auto generate custom type-safe API Clients

Customizable gateway logic with TypeScript

Build upon standards like GraphQL, OpenAPI, OAuth2, S3...

100% Open Source, No vendor lock-in

Get started in 3 Minutes
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The fundamental Difference of Server-Side Compile-Time GraphQL

Listen to Jack Herrington's talk on the fundamental difference of server-side-only vs. client-side GraphQL and what advantages it brings to your application architecture in terms of security and performance.

Jack is not affiliated with us. He's an amazing presenter who simply loves what we do. We highly recommend his other videos, please check out his channel!

GraphQL as the Universal Integration Language to access all your Services

WunderGraph combines all your services into a single, unified GraphQL API. Access all your data using the intuitive query language, loved by the Developer Community.

Stop manually integrating services. WunderGraph automatically joins and merges your APIs so you can focus on building your app.

Full Getting Started Guide
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API Integration as easy as a swipe from left to right

Combine all your Databases & Services into what we call the "Virtual Graph". Access all your data through a unified interface without manual integration.

Say goodbye to point-to-point integrations. WunderGraph let's your access all your systems through a single pane of glass.

Supported Languages






Supported Frameworks


React Native









Apollo Federation





Microsoft SQLServer

Azure SQL



AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora Serverless

MongoDB + Atlas

OpenID Connect

S3 file storage

How it works

Combine two APIs, secure them and integrate them into a NextJS application, in just a few lines of Code.

Full Getting Started Guide

“At WunderGraph, we're always working backwards from the perfect Developer Experience.

We identify all the boring and repetitive parts of working with APIs and abstract them away into the WunderGraph Toolbox.”

Jens Neuse
Jens Neuse

Founder @ WunderGraph

WunderGraph Demo showing how to use two GraphQL APIs with NextJS

1. Introspect your DataSources

The first step is to introspect all the DataSources (APIs, Databases) to create the "Virtual Graph", the GraphQL Schema, making all your data accessible.

2. Define your GraphQL Operations

Once the GraphQL Schema is generated, you can define the GraphQL Operations. The Operations define the "public surface" of your API.

3. Use the generated Client

Each Operation is turned into an Endpoint on the Backend and the equivalent function on the generated client. All you have to do is call the function and get the data.

WunderGraph, acts as a backend for frontend to your application. All the complexity of implementing OWASP compliant security, authentication, authorization with role based access controls, caching and state management is handled by the framework. Both client and server are fully generated and can be configured and extended in many ways.

The Community on WunderGraph

Developers shouldn't have to deal with all this complexity. Let us manage the messy integrations and security, so you can focus on what matters: Building a great user experience and getting the business logic right.

Alexandra Sikora
Alexandra Sikora

Lead Maintainer blitzjs, prev. Developer @ Hasura

My favourite thing about WunderGraph is the programmatic approach — you can configure everything with its SDK. For me, as a TypeScript fan, it was thrilling to work with the type-safe client! I'm super excited about this project — apart from providing you with a GraphQL API from all your services (both GraphQL and REST!) and databases, it also comes with features like edge caching, authentication subscriptions, and many, many more!

Guido Curcio

Software Developer

Using WunderGraph right now is like using React in 2013 -- you just know it's going to change the way we develop applications forever. The type-safe client is light-years away from any other and the developer experience from its virtual graphs (with caching, authentication, and subscriptions all out of the box) is a joy to work with. Any reason you were not using GraphQL before is paid its due attention and solved in WunderGraph.

anonymous (NDA)


One of the reasons is that a key element of modern software development is reducing TTM to a break-neck pace to be both innovating and first. ALSO, there are many many great tools that have evolved in the SaaS, IaaS and IoT spaces that when combined can create really compelling features that add real value. The challenge is having to integrate all of those systems by writing SDK's and wrapping them and then coding up your own API to unify them creates internal dependency issues quickly. Wundergraph erases that. And it does it in such a way that it instantly goes a long way to secure your APIs in a network efficient layer with very little boilerplate.

Chris Hornberger

I’ve been screaming about this for years. Want to see versioning and deprecation done horribly? Work with flutter or Sequelize. There’s next to zero backward compatibility because the ducking amateur hour kids wrong stuff haven’t lived through DLL hell and other such asinine calamities.

JavaScript Mastery (YT)

...they seem revolutionary! I've checked out the introduction and getting started videos, and it's like nothing I've ever seen before.

Jorge Acero (YT)

This is the most insane tool I've ever seen.

Nerd vs. Machine (YT)

This is like a self run firebase / amplify data application layer. Very interesting

Chris Habgood (YT)

Very cool. Painless way of working with schemas.


Really interesting approach, better and faster than pure prisma + any gql server

Itamar Perez

I tried the link-builder example before watching this video, and it was pretty incredible getting data from multiple sources in a single query!

Tom Clark

This is really quite visionary, a couple of really important concepts in here.

Jack Herrington

Y'all have a real working product that is amazing. It blows my mind that you don't have funding.

anonymous (Discord)

Wundergaph presents some compelling solutions to common challenges faced by developers working with GraphQL API's

anonymous (Discord)

Hello! Wundergrah is freaking amazing!

Daniel Jimenez

Never heard about wundergraph before, I like it's more precise on the client side than using urql with Hasura.

Andreas Schlapbach

Interestingly, the tool chain reminds my in many ways of Django except for the client creation..

One minute Quickstart

Run the WunderGraph NextJS demo on your local machine to see it in action.

yarn global add @wundergraph/wunderctl@latest
mkdir wg-demo && cd wg-demo
wunderctl init --template nextjs-starter
yarn && yarn dev

Our Mission is to become the Package Manager for APIs

Launching our Open Source Framework is just the first step on our journey to create the best possible Developer Experience for working with APIs.

In the near Future, we'll launch a Serverless Platform to host your APIs on the Edge with a simple "git push".

Our long-term goal is to become the Package Manager for APIs. Today, you can install a dependency using "npm install graphql". In the future, you'll be able to integrate APIs using "wunderctl integrate stripe".

Integrating APIs should take no longer than a couple of minutes. It's about time to improve the Developer Experience of working with APIs.

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From the blog



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