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WunderGraph for CIOs and CTOs

Published: 2022-05-23

You have enough experience to judge whether Developers should choose custom solution over standardized ones.

Nobody argues against using HTTP or REST for API communication.

Should your build a custom authentication solution? Probably not. They can use an identity provider, or even tools like Keykloak or Ory to self-host a standardized solution.

What about managing files in distributed systems? The S3 specification comes to mind, implemented not just by AWS but many others, like Minio, a self hosting solution. Why build your own custom solution to manage and handle files?

For data-driven APIs, it's clear that developers want to have tools to describe their APIs. Describing APIs adds type-safety and makes collaboration a lot easier. Over the years, many specifications have emerged to build and describe APIs. We use OpenAPI and JSON-Schema to describe REST APIs. GraphQL comes with its own specification, similarly to gRPC which can be described using Protobuf.

How most of us build applications#

Here's the catch though. We have all the standards that help us build better services, but combining them is not standardized at all.

For a typical application, you need one or more APIs, an authentication provider, a file storage and a backend to glue it all together. You could also add an API gateway to the mix, but it only covers authentication and security. You still have to bring all the APIs together and integrate it manually.

This custom integration solution is often called backend for frontend (BFF). It needs to be written, tested and maintained.

Every day, developers probably write billions of lines of code to glue systems together.

Why do you have to write custom code if all the individual parts of the system are standardized?

How WunderGraph simplifies the Development process#

If all individual parts of a puzzle are standardized, can't we automate the process of combining them? Yes, we can! And that's exactly what WunderGraph does.

Our Open Source Framework gives you a standardized way to combine all the individual parts into a whole.

For each individual part, you can choose the vendor or tool that best fits your requirements. You can build entirely on top of AWS or stay 100% Open Source using Minio and Keykloak for File Storage and Authentication respectively.

Your developers have to build more or less the same "base-layer" for all of their applications. With WunderGraph, you can delegate this boring and repetitive task to a framework.

This not just frees up your Devs and gives them more time to focus on customization, but also helps them deliver better quality.

Combining systems together and securing them is a complex task. A framework can solve this problem better.

Key Benefits#

  • Standardized solution to unify APIs across systems
  • Increased Security and Performance
  • More focus on customer value
  • Faster time to market
  • Lower total cost of ownership

Next Steps#

Ask your developers to play with the framework to get their feedback.

We're happy to help you along your journey. We offer Support and Managed WunderGraph Environments.

While the Framework solves your biggest challenge, managing the Framework itself shouldn't be on you or your team.

Start the discussion with our Sales Team to see how we can help you.



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