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Cross API Joins

Published: 2022-05-23

Imagine you'd like to access Data from multiple APIs and combine the results into a single dataset. WunderGraph supports a rich set of DataSources, so we wanted to add a simple way to achieve JOINs across APIs.

Example: Joining Capitals with Weather Data#

Let's say we want to get the weather data for all capitals of a continent. You'd probably want to add two APIs to your application, one to query the capitals and the other to query the weather data.

// wundergraph.config.ts
const weather = introspect.graphql({
apiNamespace: "weather",
url: "",
const countries = introspect.graphql({
apiNamespace: "countries",
url: "",

Next, let's define our JOIN query.

query (
$continent: String!
# the @internal directive removes the $capital variable from the public API
# this means, the user can't set it manually
# this variable is our JOIN key
$capital: String! @internal
countries_countries(filter: {continent: {eq: $continent}}){
# using the @export directive, we can export the value of the field `capital` into the JOIN key ($capital)
capital @export(as: "capital")
# the _join field returns the type Query!
# it exists on every object type so you can everywhere in your Query documents
_join {
# once we're inside the _join field, we can use the $capital variable to join the weather API
weather_getCityByName(name: $capital){
weather {
temperature {
summary {

The response looks like this:

"data": {
"countries_countries": [
"code": "AD",
"name": "Andorra",
"capital": "Andorra la Vella",
"_join": {
"weather_getCityByName": {
"weather": {
"temperature": {
"max": 272.24
"summary": {
"title": "Snow",
"description": "light snow"
"code": "AL",
"name": "Albania",
"capital": "Tirana",
"_join": {
"weather_getCityByName": {
"weather": {
"temperature": {
"max": 280.64
"summary": {
"title": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky"
"code": "AT",
"name": "Austria",
"capital": "Vienna",
"_join": {
"weather_getCityByName": {
"weather": {
"temperature": {
"max": 281.42
"summary": {
"title": "Clouds",
"description": "broken clouds"

The "Magic" behind the JOIN#

WunderGraph first queries the countries API to get all the countries of a continent. Then, it queries the weather API for each capital of the countries.

We're using the @export directive to export the value of the field capital into the JOIN key ($capital). Then we're using the _join field to join the weather API.

The _join field is a special field that exists on every object type. It simply returns the Query type, so you can join a response of one API with another.

Reference Documentation#

If you want to learn more about how JOINs work, you can read the Reference Docs on the export directive.



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