WunderGraph Directives Overview
Directives are a way of configuring the behaviour of your API straight from the Operation Definition.
Here's an example using two handy directives:
mutation ($name: String! @fromClaim(name: NAME)$email: String! @fromClaim(name: EMAIL)$message: String! @jsonSchema(pattern: "^[a-zA-Z 0-9]+$")){createOnepost(data: {message: $message user: {connectOrCreate: {where: {email: $email} create: {email: $email name: $name}}}}){idmessageuser {idname}}}
This example uses the @fromClaim
directive to inject Claims into the operation.
Additionally, it's using the @jsonSchema
directive to set a Regex pattern for the $message
@fromClaim Directive#
Using this directive, you're able to inject Claims into an Operation. (read more)
@jsonSchema Directive#
With this directive, you're able to configure input validation rules for the Operation. (read more)
@hooksVariable Directive#
The hooksVariable Directive can be used to define variables specifically for hooks. (read more)
@rbac Directive#
Via the rbac Directive, you can attach role based access control rules to Operations. (read more)
@injectGeneratedUUID Directive#
The injectGeneratedUUID Directive allows you to inject a UUID
into a variable definition. (read more)
@injectCurrentDateTime Directive#
The injectCurrentDateTime Directive makes it possible to inject the current date and time in any format into a variable. (read more)
@injectEnvironmentVariable Directive#
The injectEnvironmentVariable Directive lets you inject variables from the server Environment into an Operation. (read more)
@internalOperation Directive#
The internalOperation Directive marks Operations as internal only, making them accessible only from the hooks environment. (read more)
@export Directive#
Using the export Directive, you can export field values into variables and use them to JOIN another Query field. (read more)
@internal Directive#
When exporting a field to use it later as a foreign key for a JOIN, the @internal directive should be used to mark the field as internal. (read more)
@transform Directive#
The transform Directive allows you to transform the response of an Operation. (read more)